Acoustic Services


As "Expert Technician in Acoustics" one my Studies / Projects and my Acoustic Measurements and Reports, to the necessary symbiosis between Acoustic Isolation and Acoustic Conditioning, taking advantage of our Accessories for acoustic control. In this way I manage to provide solutions.
By having the necessary qualifications, knowledge and experience, we can satisfactorily develop the Acoustics of any Space / Building or problem to be solved.

Sometimes they are everyday or machinery noises, but in others they are sound equipment that emits music that must be controlled so that it does not disturb or harm neighbors.

Studios and Audiovisual Rooms for various uses:
Both the Project and the Acoustic Insulation and Acoustic Conditioning Materials provide a Comprehensive Service.

- Public, Private and Concerted Education Centers.
- Meeting Rooms and Multipurpose Rooms.
- Fair and Sports Pavilions.
- Nightclubs, Disco bars, Restaurants, Hotels, etc ...
- Academies and Schools of specific teaching.
- Audiological Centers.
- Audiovisual Rooms in Companies and Organizations.
- Artists and Technicians.
- Musical Groups and Orchestras.
- Radio and Television Stations.
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